
The company Bioplus

Bioplus Ltd. is a commercial company in the field of specialized pharmacy products and rapid diagnostic tests.

A common characteristic of all Bioplus products is the proven high quality, the creation of a philosophy based on principles such as non-negotiable consistency, conscience, hard work and the selection of innovative products of high quality and technology.

The Company is led by a team of executives with a high level of knowledge and extensive experience in the health field, thus ensuring a high level of scientific training and education of its staff. It invests in innovative technologies and tries, with the experience and excellent training of its people, to meet the future needs of its customers.

Our vision

With the main strategic goal of improving the consumer's quality of life, at a reasonable cost, all Bioplus products, in addition to their thorough quality control, are notified to the National Medicines Organization with a complete dossier.

It also maintains a modern warehouse with all the required standards of healthy maintenance and storage for the various categories of products.

Bioplus' vision is the innovative way of doing business, always aiming to improve the quality of life of the consumer.




Our company is certified by the certification body DQS GmbH according to ISO 9001:2008 & YA 1348 for distribution of medical devices.

ISO certificate 9001:2008
Certificate of Ministerial Decision ΔΥ8δ/Γ.Π. οικ/1348/2004

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