S.pneumoniae test urine (10 tests/kit)
S.pneumoniae test urine (10 tests/kit)
S.pneumoniae test urine (10 tests/kit)
S.pneumoniae test urine (10 tests/kit)
S.pneumoniae test urine (10 tests/kit)
S.pneumoniae test urine (10 tests/kit)

S.pneumoniae test urine (10 tests/kit)

Tax included

The S.pneumoniae test provides a rapid and safe microbiological diagnosis of s.pneumonia. This is achieved with the urine test, with the detection of the pneumococcus PnC antigen in the urine, using the rapid immunochromatography method.


Microbiological confirmation of pneumococcal pneumonia is absolutely necessary and with alternative methods, so that there is a reliable therapeutic response to this very serious, life-threatening infection.

With urine

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